e-book berbahasa Inggris terdiri dari 97 halaman (full color), disusun oleh GEOFFREY CHAMBERLAIN, profesor Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,St George’s Hospital Medical School, London and konsultan obstetri di Rumah Sakit Singleton , Swansea dan MARGERY MORGAN, konsultan obstetri and gnekologi, Singleton Hospital, Swansea. Diterbitkan oleh BMJ Books, BMA House, Tavistock Square,London WC1H 9JR edisi ke 4 tahun 2002. Kandungan isi buku meliputi :

1. Organisation of antenatal care
2. The changing body in pregnancy
3. Normal antenatal management
4. Checking for fetal wellbeing
5. Detection and management of congenital abnormalities
6. Work in pregnancy
7. Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy
8. Antenatal medical and surgical problems
9. Raised blood pressure in pregnancy
10. Antepartum haemorrhage
11. Small for gestational age
12. Preterm labour
13. Multiple pregnancy
14. The audit of birth

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